Glassboro Library: Finale Photo Gallery

Last week I visited the Glassboro Library. When you first walk in you see a few desk cubicles with computers on each of them, a reference desk, and a beautiful Christmas tree in the back. I had talked to the children’s librarian, Mary, for a few minutes about some of the events that they have there. For being such a busy library they keep the reputation of a quiet one. There calendar is always booked up with events for all ages and even have a bulletin board in the back with flyers for some of them. Walking around they had such a variety of resources starting with the newspapers. They had CDs, audio books, and books that are helpful in learning a new skill like Plumbing or Crocheting. There was one book called “Rescue, Restore, Redecorate” by Amy Howard. In other aisles they had movies and documentaries that you could check out if someone wasn’t able to find or afford to buy or subscribe to an outlet for it. Check out this gallery for even more details, the interview, and videos of my experience at Glassboro’s Public Library:

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